Sunday, October 25, 2020

Static and Instance member in C#

The members of a class that can not be accessed without creating an instance for the class are called as instance members.

The members of a class that can be accessed without creating an instance and directly by using class name are called as static members.

The following example using instance member:

    class Circle


        float _PI = 3.14f;

        int _Radius;

        public Circle(int radius)


            this._Radius = radius;


        public float CalculateArea()


            return this._PI * this._Radius * this._Radius;



    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Circle C1 = new Circle(5);

            float area1 = C1.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area {0}",area1);

            Circle C2 = new Circle(6);

            float area2 = C2.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area {0}", area2);




When using instance member  _PI occupied memory every time when circle object are created.

The following example using static member:

    class Circle


        static float _PI;

        int _Radius;

        static Circle()


            Circle._PI = 3.14f;


        public Circle(int radius)


            this._Radius = radius;


        public float CalculateArea()


            return Circle._PI * this._Radius * this._Radius;



    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Circle C1 = new Circle(5);

            float area1 = C1.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area {0}",area1);

            Circle C2 = new Circle(6);

            float area2 = C2.CalculateArea();

            Console.WriteLine("Area {0}", area2);




  • When a class member includes a static modifier, the member is called as static member.
  • When no static modifier present the member is called as non static member or instance member.
  • Static members are invoked using class name, where as instance member are invoked instances (objects) of class.
  • An instance member belongs to  specific instance(object) of a class. If I create 3 objects of class, I will have 3 sets of instance member in memory, where as there will ever be only one copy of a static member, no matter how many instances of a class created. 
NOTE: Class members => Fields, methods, properties, events, indexers, constructors.

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