Sunday, December 22, 2019

What is the Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

DBMS(Database management system) and RDBMS(Relational database management system) both are used to store information in physical database but are some remarkable difference between them.

The main difference between DBMS and RDBMS are below.

DBMS application store data as files. while RDBMS application store data in a tabular form.

In DBMS, data in generally stored in either a hierarchical form or a navigational form. In RDBMS
the tables have an identifier called primary key and the data values are stored in the from of tables.

Normalization is not present in DBMS. Normalization is present in RDBMS.

DBMS dose not support distributed system. RDBMS supports distributed system.

DBMS is meant to be small organization and deal with small support single user. RDBMS is designed to handle large amount of data.It supports multiple users.

Examples of DBMS are file system, xml etc. Examples of RDBMS are mysql, postgres, sql server,oracle etc.

What is database or database management system(DBMS)?

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